App Admin

Business Rules (80)

*To achieve full completion for the course, please complete the survey and the quiz.

Unlock the power of Business Rules to enhance your solutions with flexible, dynamic logic. This course delves into the core elements of Business Rules: triggers, conditions, and actions. You'll learn the fundamentals of Business Rules, understand their key components, and explore practical applications in workflow management.

Through hands-on demonstrations, you'll discover various ways to implement Business Rules. You'll learn how to set up notifications for initiative approval submissions, automate owner assignment for new work items, create benefit tracking instances at specific workflow stages, and implement URL calls using Business Rules.

By the end of this course, you'll be equipped to leverage Business Rules to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and add sophisticated logic to your solutions. You'll have the skills to optimize your systems and automate decision-making processes effectively.

Course length: 15 Minutes Audience: App Admins

  • Business Rules
  • Business Rules Quiz
  • Business Rules Course Survey
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Business Rules Course Survey, Business Rules Quiz"